
Assembly 1099 is very successful because of its officers and organization.

This requires commitment and understanding of the tasks to be carried out by the officers. By each focusing on their responsibilities, the work is spread among many people.

Faithful NavigatorSK John Massey
Faithful CaptianSK Oscar Martinez, PGK, PFN
Faithful PilotSK Arnold Auzenne
Faithful ComptrollerSK Greg Nelon, PFN
Faithful ScribeSK Giacomo Leone
Faithful PurserSK Gordon Smith
Inner SentinelSK James Luhrman
Outer SentinelSK Rayford Carter
Faithful AdmiralSK Michael F Moreno, PDM, IPFN
One-Year TrusteeSK Armand Gagnon
Two-Year TrusteeSK Peter Donahoe
Three-Year TrusteeSK Billy Roberts, PFN
Faithful FriarFr. John Sebastian Gutierrez, CSC
Color Corps CommandersSK Darrell Vinklarek
SK Joe Rodriguez

If you are considering an officer position or are currently an officer please review this document which contains a number of tasks specific to our Assembly. Please note that some specific actions have changed since we moved to St. Catherine’s and we’re working on providing an updated version soon.